Why should you pay attention to
More than ever before, those businesses that act responsibly towards the (E)nvironment, (S)ociety, and their own (G)overnance are:
Improving operational efficiency and supply chain resilience.
Attracting more and better customers.
Gaining and retaining the best talent.
Becoming more desirable to investors.
Helping to protect and restore nature, build a fair society and secure a liveable future
If you’re a forward-thinking business, it’s likely you’ve already implemented or considering implementing an ESG strategy to take advantage of this continuing trend.
However, many businesses are:
Unsure how to get started on their ESG journey or find it hard to embed ESG in their organisation’s DNA.
Frustrated that they are not seeing returns on ESG efforts and investment
Concerned about reputational and financial damage if their ESG efforts are deemed greenwashing or “ESG-washing”