
ESG Business


ESG Business Model Integration
Integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in your business model will help your organization analyze the decisions that would affect the efficiency of your operations, and resilience of your supply chain, and highlight the risks and opportunities that would result in either your strategic growth or likely downfall.
To futureproof your business, we:
Perform a Materiality Assessment
Identify your stakeholders and evaluate their actual engagement
Determine your bespoke ESG themes
Test your messages and plans with a variety of stakeholders
Integrate ESG into your BAU strategy
Refine your ESG commitment story
Measure your ESG initiatives and achievements

ESG Communication
Strategy design

design and 

ESG Communication Strategy design and implementation
Our ESG communication strategy and plan will create a sense of shared ownership throughout your sustainability story.
A well-crafted internal and/or external ESG communication can be a powerful influence in maintaining a positive corporate culture and in increasing your competitive advantage as a business, making your ESG stand a differentiator to your peers. Your internal and external stakeholders can be your greatest advocates, but not without informing, inspiring and involving them in your journey.
We do so through our seven step process:
Perform a Materiality Assessment
Identify your stakeholders and evaluate their actual engagement
Determine your bespoke ESG themes
Test your messages and plans with a variety of stakeholders
Integrate ESG into your BAU strategy
Refine your ESG commitment story
Measure your ESG initiatives and achievements

ESG Training 
and Development


ESG Training and Development
ESG has a multi-faceted eco system where each element relies on the other to form a bigger picture.
Our unique training and development courses will provide you with a very strong understanding of how ESG principles and best practices can be embedded throughout your business processes and operations, and how to measure their actual impact.
Our courses cover:
How and why ESG is crucial
The ESG elements
Regulatory landscape and compliance.
The role of ESG in employee retention and attraction.
The role of ESG in attracting private equity
The principles and reporting frameworks of ESG
Case studies
ESG Communication Strategy design
ESG engagement tactics

ESG Strategy and
Audit and Validation


ESG Training and Development
At a time when ESG has become a term that is overused and abused, with many businesses using it as a whitewashing or greenwashing opportunity, the stakeholder and wider public reaction to any ESG-related initiative or announcement is at an all time low.
We want our clients – current and future – to succeed in ensuring that their ESG-related strategies and plans are fit for purpose, realistic and achievable. To this end, our Audit and Validation services assess the following:
The ESG perviousness throughout your organisational structure, processes and operations
The applicability and achievability of your ESG Communication Strategy and associated Plan(s)
The operational milestones that are attached to your ESG commitments
The stakeholder buy-in of your ESG strategy and its credibility.
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