
ESG Business Model Integration

Integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in your business model will help your organization analyze the decisions that would affect the efficiency of your operations, resilience of your supply chain and highlight the risks and opportunities that would result in either your strategic growth or downfall. ESG doesn’t only involve the environmental factors but also other factors such as employee wellbeing and diversity of the boardroom.
To ensure that you capture all aspects of ESG we help you integrate your ESG commitments across your company by following the below seven steps:
Analysing your Materiality Assessment
Identifying stakeholders and evaluating engagement
Determining ESG themes
Testing the messages and plans with the various
Integrating ESG into BAU strategy
Telling ESG commitment story
Measuring your ESG initiatives and achievements

If you feel you’re ready to start your ESG journey why not book a call this instant!

You’ve got nothing to lose.

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